Goals, Objectives, and Measures - Deployment Plan


  • Identify the audience to invite to the collaboration
  • (Optional) Identify materials that should be included for participant reference and review, if any
  • Create a Communication Plan to Encourage Participation

Refer to this article for more detailed information

Set Up

  • Click on the Introduction block
    • Edit the first paragraph to accurately reflect your scenario
    • Leave remaining text describing the collaborative effort as-is
    • Click the Save button at the bottom of the Introduction
  • Click on the Goals prompt
    • Edit the Description; type or paste in the proposed Goal statement
    • Click Save
  • Click on the Objectives prompt (add lnk)
    • Edit the Description; type or paste in the proposed Objectives
    • Click Save
  • Click on the Measures prompt (add link)
    • Edit the Measures; type or paste in the proposed Measures
    • Click Save
  • (Optional) Click Add Material to add supporting information participants can reference as part of the collaboration. Suggested materials include:
    • Your Mission, Vision, Values or similar statements
    • Operating Plan from prior period
    • Any other information that will provide context for participants to understand and provide feedback for the Goals, Objectives, and Measures exercise.
  • Click Publish - your application is now Open for input
  • Copy the link generated for the collaboration and disseminate as needed.

Soft Launch

  1. Select three trusted advisors with diverse viewpoints, perhaps with different roles or functions
  2. Copy the URL for the collaboration, ands send the link to those select people to exercise
  3. Review responses and feedback from initial participants
  4. Adjust the Introduction or positioning information as needed to clarify the nature of feedback desired

Refer to Soft Launch for more detailed information

Full Launch and Driving Participation

  1. Copy the URL for the collaboration (add a link)
  2. Notify intended participants of the collaboration using email or other messaging tool
  3. (Optional) After 3 - 5 business days, send a reminder message with the collaboration URL


  • The session will automatically close depending on the date parameters you provided
  • The Admin can manually close the session (add a link)

Go to interpreting results.

Go To proposed next steps.

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