Goals, Objectives, and Measures - Suggested Next Steps

Results of one collaboration often suggest a new collaboration as a Next Step that moves the organization closer to a desired outcome. An exploratory session may suggest a list of top concerns to address. A follow up collaboration may suggest the best solutions to the concerns. A collaboration about the design of a solution may be followed by a collaboration to review the implementation for that solution.

Likewise, this collaboration could suggest several follow up activities.

  • If you launched this collaboration to a limited  audience, consider launching to a wider audience to allow more opportunity for feedback.
  • If the plan was tentative or preliminary, consider updating the plan and launching a new collaboration featuring the more evolved statements.
  • Ideally, the plan statements will be rolled out so that every function, region, team, etc. will know how to contribute to the overall success of the strategic plan. Thus, functional teams or regions can create and launch a version of this collaboration to align their operational plan to the strategic outcomes.

After your plan is established, you could use CrowdSmart to implement and monitor the plan. For example:

  • Consider using a strategic planning collaboration like Start, Stop, Continue; SWOT;  or Brainstorm and Prioritize to begin planning for execution.
  • If your plan calls for major new strategic initiatives, use CrowdSmart collaborations to keep stakeholders engaged and aligned with implementation at key project milestones.
  • Periodically launch a collaboration to check on progress against the various targets and measure confidence that key objectives and will be met.

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