Goals, Objectives, and Measures - Objectives

Objectives indicate how the outcome specified by a Goal will be achieved. In general, the purpose is to insure the group is focused on the best activities with the best targets to achieve the Goal.

Objectives reference the key activities required to achieve the Goal. Focus on areas of performance with direct connection to attaining the goal, especially those hat require significant change from historic operation. Providing three to five objectives per goal is a good rule of thumb. 

Each function or team will adapt their operational plan to achieve the Goal given the Objectives. Provide enough clarity that each division or team, and even every individual contributor, understands how to contribute toward attainment of the Goal, but don't try to specify objectives for each team.

Like goals, each objective will have a measurable target to indicate the level of accomplishment, or level of change, needed to support successful attainment of the Goal.

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