Inappropriate or Offensive Responses

Concerning inappropriate, irrelevant, incomplete, Ideas or Ideas that do not resonate with participants

As we know from social media, anonymous contributors may contribute some less-than-valuable ideas. Fortunately, we have not found that our platform lends itself to the level of vitriol we see on social media.

  • Trust that:
    • Participants will enter relevant, appropriate, valuable ideas
    • Ideas that resonate with participants will get selected as important and ranked up by participants
    • Ideas that do not resonate with participants will not get selected or ranked up
  • CrowdSmart's experience is that responses with inappropriate language, very poor grammar, or nonsensical remarks will simply be ignored by other participants and get buried in the "long tail of the coat".

As a safety net feature, Ideas that are completely offensive and should never be viewed by anyone can be removed

  • In the rare case that you have a truly offensive remark that should never be seen by another participant, it's possible to have that one remark removed.
    • Locate the Idea on the Ideas tab
    • Click the ellipsis (the ... on the far right)
    • Click Flag Inappropriate button
    • Support will contact remove the item from your collaboration after confirming the action with your admin contact
Remove an Offensive Remark.(CrowdSmart would not show a truly offensive remark, even as illustration!)

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