Template: Design a typical CrowdSmart Prompt

You may find using a template to draft your prompt(s) easier than crating a collaboration directly on the platform. Once the template is final, enter the prompts into the collaboration platform.

A single collaboration should only have one or two open ended questions. Best Practices for asynchronous data collection indicates that participation and creativity of responses will drop substantially after three questions.

The Label will appear at the top of the tab in the live view

Use the Description field to provide context, instructions, or background information required for the participant to provide relevant responses to the Prompts.

A rating prompt is optional. If used, it must be a question that can be answered on a scale from 1 to 10.

  • Can not be a yes/no question
  • Think in terms of "How Likely...", "How Satisfied..."
  • Best Practice is that the scale should use anchor words from 'Not at all ....' to 'Extremely...' (... 'likely', 'satisfied' or whatever relates to the rating)

The Open-ended Prompt is the most crucial component of the collaboration. The nature of the prompt is dependent on the use of a rating question:

  • If a rating prompt is used, the Open-Ended Prompt should prompt for responses that explain the reason for the rating.
  • If there is no rating question, then the Open-Ended Prompt should ask for a range of answers related to your topic.

Instruction fields can be customized.

  • Default values provided usually work
  • Appears in small type in strategic areas to guide participant responses
  • Occasionally, more specific instructions are needed, such as "Do not enter personal information".

Label for Prompt One Word Name for Label
Description Context information required for the participant to provide relevant answers to the prompt
Prompt : Rating How likely ….
Instruction Using a scale from 1 to 10, drag the slider left or right to indicate your response.
Scale                                   1  - Not at all Likely to 10 - Extremely Likely
Prompt: Open-Ended  Please specify reasons for your score.
Instruction Contribute multiple responses by pressing ENTER between ideas. Share clear, concise ideas that can be understood by other participates. 
Collaboration  Traditional Ranking, Rank-First, or Rank-Only 
Instruction Review and select ideas that align with your viewpoint and would influence your response. Drag ideas here and drop in stack-ranked order by importance. Leave others behind.

Seeds: Creating 3 to 7 seed values per open-ended prompt is strongly encouraged.








For help or more information on seed ideas, see the article on creating seed Ideas.

3 Seed values are required for Try for Free applications before clicking Publish

Collaboration - Ranking Exercise

  • Every Open-Ended question sparks a ranking exercise for the participant after there are 3 diverse ideas

Demographics - After all prompts

  • A limited set of demographic questions are pre-coded and available for inclusion
  • Demographic questions are always optional
  • Including no more than 3 demographics questions is strongly encouraged

Overall Ranking

  • If there is more than one Open-Ended question, there will be a final ‘ranking’ exercise at the end that spans the questions. 
    • Example: Stack rank ideas from open-ended #1 head-to-head against open-ended #2. 
    • Can be suppressed, but greatly impacts reporting and results

There are other forms of questions. See articles for ratings-only, rank only, and rank first question types.

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