Team360 - Next Steps

Results of one collaboration can suggest a new collaboration as a Next Step that moves the organization closer to a desired outcome.

The Team360 may have produced a clear path forward with a list of actionable ideas, but sometimes the ideas are not easily actionable:

  • Ideas may have been insightful but not fully actionable
  • Ideas are voiced as a complaint or description of negative behavior as opposed to an actionable idea
  • The suggested solution is merely one way to address a weakness but there could be other actions that are more effective.

If not, a follow-up collaboration could refine the ideas and move the team closer to an actionable plan.

In this case, use the output from the Team360 as the stimulus to specifically ideate solution ideas.

Brainstorm and Prioritize Collaboration:

  • Preview a Brainstorm and Prioritize collaboration
  • Either put the information from the Team360 into the Introduction or upload as Materials to make the ideas available to Participants.
  • Create the collaboration.
  • Seed* the clearly actionable ideas, and/or actions that were already under consideration
  • Launch the Collaboration and encourage participation
  • The output will be an improved, actionable list of prioritized ideas

If the list of actionable ideas was too long to implement all the ideas or the ideas indicated that the team has too many focus areas, a Start, Stop, Continue collaboration is a great way to prioritize the new solution ideas along with current work.

Start, Stop, Continue

  • Preview a Start, Stop, Continue collaboration
  • Either put the information from the Team360 into the Introduction or upload as Materials to make the ideas available to Participants. Provide context for this exercise.
  • Create the collaboration.
  • Seed the solution ideas to prioritize into Start. Seed STOP. Seed Continue with key efforts that must continue.
  • Launch the Collaboration and encourage participation
  • The output will be an improved, actionable list of prioritized ideas

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