Best Practice - Act on Results / Next Steps

Review the Summary tab

  • Use the 2x2 grid to quickly review the most important/most popular Ideas. Click on the top right quadrant of the grid. Ideas will be listed in order of Importance.
    • Ideas in the top right quadrant are the most important and most popular. They reflect the greatest areas of alignment in the responses and require the highest degree of attention.
    • Ideas in the bottom right quadrant are popular, meaning they were important to a number of people, but they were not consistently ranked as the most important.
    • Ideas in the top left quadrant were important to a smaller group of participants. As such, they may be niche ideas or ideas newly emerging among the team. 
    • Ideas in the bottom left quadrant are those that did not particularly resonate with the audience. They were rarely, if ever, ranked as important by other participants.

Act on responses

  • Address the concepts in the most important/most popular quadrant of the grid. Depending on the prompt, those ideas represent the collective intelligence of your team regarding the topic presented.
  • Consider addressing responses in the top left and bottom right quadrants of the grid. While not at the top of the list, they warrant some consideration. 
  • Remember, ideas that were not ‘voted up’ do not represent the majority view of your audience. While you can review that feedback for interesting points, we do not suggest excessive action on those comments. 

Communicate Results

  • Follow up with communication to all invitees to provide feedback on the results, to address topics raised in the collaboration, and to thank participants. 

Next Steps

  • Depending on the prompt and the scope of the responses, this collaboration may have provided all the input required to address the topic.
  • However, it may have only provided the first step in a process. Having a list of ideas, even the best ideas, does not always equate to final resolution.
    • If your prompt identified areas of concern or challenges to address, you may need to seek solution ideas for the top X topics
    • You may need to collect more information on exactly what the top suggestions entail or how they would be implemented.
    • You may need to gain more detail on the scope, feasibility, and impact of the top X solution ideas.
    • You may want to engage more stakeholders, like customers or members of another team, in the design of a product or process improvement
  • Whatever the logic next step is, a CrowdSmart collaboration is likely a good bet to keep the conversation going and get your team closer to meeting their goals.

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