Brainstorming and Ideation - Sample Questions

Brainstorming can be used for many purposes.

This collaboration can be used as-is.

However with minor edits it can be used in a wide range of situations. To alter the prompt:

    • Click on the Introduction block
      • Replace the current question text with the desired question text.
      • Leave remaining text describing the collaborative effort as-is
      • Click the Save button at the bottom of the Introduction
    • Click on the Ideate prompt
      • Replace the current question text with the desired question text.
      • Click Save
    • Click on the Publish button

Be sure participants you intend to invite to the collaboration have the experience and knowledge to respond to the prompt.

Sample questions that would work well with this collaboration:

General Team Improvement

How can we reduce the time it takes to complete a common task?

What can we do to improve communication between team members?

How might we increase customer satisfaction with our product/service?

How might we make our meetings more productive and efficient?

How can we encourage more collaboration and knowledge sharing across departments?

What can we do to better meet the needs of our diverse customer base?

What strategies can we implement to improve time management and productivity?

How might we better utilize available resources to optimize cost-efficiency?

Strategic Improvements

What innovations can we introduce to stay ahead of our competitors?

What strategies can we employ to increase brand awareness in our target market?

How can we adapt our business model to better respond to changing market trends or customer preferences?

What strategies can we employ to increase customer loyalty and repeat business?

Specific improvement areas

What are some ways we can decrease waste in our manufacturing process?

How can we attract more visitors to our website or store?

How might we optimize our website for better search engine visibility?

What steps can we take to enhance the quality of our customer support?

What can we do to better manage our inventory levels and avoid stockouts?

What steps can we take to enhance workplace safety and reduce accidents?

How might we reduce customer wait times for support inquiries or service requests?

What steps can we take to improve the performance and reliability of our software applications?

Employee Engagement

What strategies can we implement to boost employee morale?

How can we improve the onboarding experience for new employees?

How can we encourage more employee engagement and ownership in company initiatives?

What innovative approaches can we explore to attract and retain top talent?

Social Justice

What innovations can we introduce to make our product more environmentally friendly?

How can we reduce our carbon footprint as an organization?

How can we minimize the environmental impact of our packaging materials?

What can we do to enhance the accessibility of our products or services for individuals with disabilities?

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