SWOT - Act on Results / Next Steps

Review the Summary tab

  • Use the 2x2 grid to quickly review the most important/most popular Ideas from across the organization.
  • Click on the top right quadrant of the grid. Ideas will be listed in order of Importance.
    • Ideas in the top right quadrant are the most important and most popular, and thus reflect greatest areas of alignment in the responses. These require the highest degree of attention.
    • Ideas in the bottom right quadrant are popular, meaning they were important to a number of people, but they were not consistently ranked as the most important.
    • Ideas in the top left quadrant were important to a smaller group of participants. As such, they may be niche ideas or ideas newly emerging among the team. 
    • Ideas in the bottom left quadrant are those that did not particularly resonate with the audience. They were not ranked as important by a large percentage of the participants.
  • Each prompt generates it's own 2x2 grid plus there is a grid that reflects the responses for all the prompts. Use the drop down menu on the right to click through the responses for All, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
  • The grid for "All" prompts reflects all the ideas submitted for all four prompts, listed in order of importance, enabling a comparison of importance and popularity (most people) across Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunity, and Threats

Review Collective Voice

With so many questions and so many grid quadrants, it's very likely that the Collective Voice for each prompt will suffice. Collective Voice shows us the ideas that best represent the thinking of the group. While it can differ in some minor respects from the Grid, its' very useful when a single list is handy.

Act on responses / Next steps

This kind of collaboration is an assessment to help executives (or team leads) determine their current state of readiness to face new or changing conditions. As such, direct action or follow-up may or may not be required. Follow-up is likely to be more discussion or research to understand how to leverage results from the SWOT.

Your executive team may want to meet to review results at this point or they may choose to discuss after the following set of activities. (This set of activities is suggested; not required).

  • If your team is comfortable viewing live results, simply click through the Collective Voice report for each of the prompts, asking appropriate questions and taking copious notes of the discussion.
  • If not, Pull the Collective Voice for each prompt into a set of slides. Present the slides and suggest they discuss each, asking appropriate questions. Again, with someone taking copious notes of the discussion.
  • The recommended next step is to host a CrowdSmart collaboration to deep dive into these results. With both prior options, a waterfall of discussion may occur, but there are only static notes at best for the team to respond to. With a collaboration, the prioritized ideas will be captured and available for more targeted discussion.
    • Strengths - The next logical step is to ask - How can we leverage our strengths to achieve success?
    • Weaknesses - The next logical step is to ask - How can we mitigate this weakness or turn it into a strength?
    • Opportunity - the next logical step is to ask - How can we best take advantage of these opportunities?
    • Threat - the next logical step is to ask - How can we best mitigate this threat?

The answers to the questions above will likely yield a list of action items. If you conducted the follow-up on CrowdSmart, you have a prepared, prioritized list for the executives to review and finalize. If not, you likely have a lot of ideas in meeting minute notes that still need to be discussed and prioritized.

Communicate Results

  • Follow up with communication to all invitees to provide feedback on the results, to address topics raised in the collaboration, and to thank participants.

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