Start, Stop, Continue - Suggested Next Steps

Results of one collaboration often suggest a new collaboration as a Next Step that moves the organization closer to a desired outcome. An exploratory session may suggest a list of top concerns to address. A follow up collaboration may suggest the best solutions to the concerns. A collaboration about the design of a solution may be followed by a collaboration to review the implementation for that solution.

Likewise, this collaboration could suggest several follow up activities.

  • Start - Depending on the number and size of the activities suggested, more research into these ideas may be required before adoption. A new CrowdSmart collaboration could be used to conduct a feasibility study to determine the relative feasibility and impact of each effort, perhaps comparing these ideas with other efforts being considered.
  • Stop - Stopping efforts is always more difficult than expected. Depending on the nature of the suggestions, more research of these ideas may be required before actually stopping. A new CrowdSmart collaboration could be used for impact analysis to verify there are no unexpected consequences of the action.
  • Continue - There is likely a long list of activities that must continue, but it's quite possible your organization needs to free more resources to Start efforts or needs to Stop more efforts to focus on the highly important work that must continue. With this in mind, reviewing the 'bottom' portion of the Continue list, or discovering current efforts omitted from Continue, could be considered another source of effort to Stop. Consider putting the Continue ideas with low importance into the Stop Impact analysis effort.

After your plan is established, you could use CrowdSmart to implement and monitor the plan. For example:

  • Consider using Brainstorm and Prioritize or an Impact Analysis collaboration to begin planning for execution of Start and Stop efforts
  • If your plan includes major new strategic initiatives, use CrowdSmart collaborations to keep stakeholders engaged and aligned with implementation at key project milestones.

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